RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (13. 2. 2012, 18:30 - 20:30)

Pravidelné setkání

Adresa konání

Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


·      Klaus Pilz informed us again about the planned Opening of the SPA season in   Piestany, which will include the presentation on Rotary Charity and barbecue in the evening. He is expecting ca. 70- 100 guests to participate.

·      Another upcoming event to look forward to is the Mardi Gras Party in Piestany.

·      Heinrich von Hollen informed us on the incoming GSE team and that further information will be distributed soon.

Pozvaní hosté

Seth Novick, exchange student
Don Stirling, architect, California