RC Bratislava Danube - setkání (2. 9. 2013, 18:30 - 20:00)

Pravidelné setkání

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Rotary klub Bratislava Danube
Brusnicová 11993/10G, Bratislava, 831 01


Jonathan was planned to have a presentation, unfortunely he got on the wrong train in Senec and could not come on time. His presentation will be held on a date to be chosen.

Re: Rotary Ball

RC Bratislava International prefer Carlton, they can make it profitable, money will be raised through purchase of tickets, each club would b 65 tickets, which would amount to 23.400 Euro, divided up into charity, music production cut, big band would remain, dinner should be served. It should not collide with Opera Ball or Bratislava Ball. On Sep 16 we should vote on our participation in ball.

We discussed the possibility to organize a ball in the Carlton for the sum of 23.400.  Is it possible for this sum? How much will be left for charity?

Heinrich suggested that each member is to buy tickets or sponsor the ball because it is what the clubs do together and agreed on. It is a social gathering of all Rotarians connected with raising money for a good cause.

Stefan opposed that he does not think it is right to sponsor a ball to have fun and he would rather raise the money to those in need. He does not see the purpose of the ball. Is it the ball the priority of the club.

Peter Kucer informed that it is a long tradition and we need to be realistic and if we don’t do it unilateraly as a club or all clubs, it won’t be possible to organize.

All members should either attend the meeting on SEP 16 and vote for or against the club or vote by email to finish the ongoing discussion about the future of the club.

Elvira brought a present to the club – a typical Aztec calendar the size of a plate, explained about the Aztecs and the calendar.

There will a Board meeting at 18.00 next time on SEP 9.

On SEP 15 there will be 7th Rotary Golf Championship held at Grey Bear Golf Resort in Tale.  This is the last call to apply.

Peter Klucka informed that he organized bicycle holders for Primates Square and by the Carlton Hotel. He also urged that there are still members who have not paid the membership fee. Please do it as soon as possible!!!

Bodo Hausald informed that the old steam engine that he bought Romania was first started and it will move on its own in two month. It will be started as a tourist attraction in spring. He suggested to rent a waggon for a historic train on St.Nicolaus.