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Andrea ZrubcovaCurator of the Global Shapers Hub BratislavaCo-founder Consulting Club BratislavaPhillip-Sebastian MarchlVice-Curator of the Global Shapers Hub BratislavaPast President Rotaract Wien-StadtparkFounder of the Rotary project Intarconnect
ESET foundation grant program - Pavol Šalátek
MUDr. Muskova: Ockovania vas priatel, ci nepriatel?´´ ...´´mandatory vaccinations, your friend or enemy?
A special visit of Rotarians from Scotland, the city Duns & Wine tasting with Martin Sloboda
Club cancelled due to Easter
John von Kaufmann - Canadian Chargé d’Affaires in Bratislava
Život s vlaknami´´....´´life with fibers´´, Fibrochem a.s. CHEMOSVIT - Alena Balogova
Podnikatelsky pribeh BENCIK CULINARY GROUP - Mia Benčíková