RC Bratislava Danube - setkání

Chystaná setkání

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Proběhlá setkání

  • 14. 4. 2014, 18:30 - 20:00 - French school


    Ivan Saudreau: Ivan Saudreau presented the new project fór the French school in Bratislava. The location of the new building is in Petržalka between Mamateyova and Dolnozemnska next to the new hockey stadium. It will be a reconstructed school which will be rented fór 33 years. It is one of the French schools abroad with French program of education. The school will have 180 students from next school year with the goal to reach 250 students in the future while the schools capacity is 350.

  • 17. 3. 2014, 18:30 - Pravidelné setkání


    Robert Becica RC Nitra Harmony: Rotarian Robert Becica from RC NItra Harmony has kindly come to inform us about the functioning of Rotary Clubs as well as about founding new clubs. He explained different kinds of clubs - classic, e-club, satellite club (pays immediately), club in foundation (pay after 2-3 years). Members of patron club take place in meetings of the satellite club at least once in a 6 months. The novelties are that there can be members below 30 and there can be more than one from each vocation. There has been a change in the name of District Seminar - into Distriktne skoliace zhromazdenie. There need to be at least 45 clubs in a district a 1100 members.

  • 10. 3. 2014, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Urmas Kaarlep: Urmas did a presentation of Estonia Business Climate The presentation was started with an impressive video about Estonia Comparisons of Estonia and Slovakia, Estonia business environment better in business, ratings the same, gdp higher in slovakia, but estonia slowly cathing up, lower inflation in slovakia, estonia better in IT, easy business start, e-elections since 2005, low corruption, Tax system- tax 21 %

  • 24. 2. 2014, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Milos Kmety: Milos informed us about the ISFR 2014 - International Skiing Fellowship of Rotarians. This year it took place in Bad Kleinkirchheim in Austria. It is a great opportunuity to make new friends. Fellow Rotarians in Bad Kleinkirchheim prepared an attractive week and it turned out to by a well organized event. Our Club was represented by the Kmety and Princ families. Part of the program was spending a dinner with a local Rotarian family, which Milos felt was a very nice tradition that we should adopt. Altghought the weather wasnt very good, the atmosphere was great. The last evening there was a gala dinner. The donation was given to Franz Klammer Foundation to support disabled sportsmen. The next ISFR will be held in Sass Fee in March 2015.