RC Bratislava Danube - setkání

Chystaná setkání

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Proběhlá setkání

  • 3. 2. 2014, 18:30 - 21:00 - Ribezlak


    p.Mrazik: Ribezlove vino / Black Currant Wine Our today’s meeting was held at a wine cellar of Mr. Mrazik in Devin. Although he is from a completely diffent business, some years ago he decided to start producing wine from black currant which is an old tradition in Devin. Mr. Mrazik led us through the wine tasting of a dozen of different wines. Thank you Peter for organizing this great almost annual meeting. We have to do it again.

  • 20. 1. 2014, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Klaus Pilz: Klaus had a very detailed presentation about Piestany Spa, its history a healing treatments. With the changes in the society the length of stay is getting shorter and he clientele is changing. There are younger clients who stay shorter. The competition is in Italy and Austria.

  • 25. 11. 2013, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Martin Sloboda: Unfortunately, our original speaker from Sheraton Hotel excused herself at a short notice and it was not possible to organize a substitute. Therefore, Martin Sloboda presented his first sailing experience on the Adriatic supported by interested photos.

  • 18. 11. 2013, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Jaroslav Holecek: Mr. Holecek graduated from STU and made a career in VW and occupying the post of HR manager. Currently, Mr. Holecek is involved with ZAP – association of automobile producers. One of the main tasks of ZAP is to participate of the transformation of education as well as support of research and development in the automotive industry. This very educational and informative presentation was followed by many questions.