Od 1. dubna 2022 zajišťujeme a hradíme ubytování válečným uprchlíkům z Ukrajiny. K 1.5.2023 jsme již zafinancovali ubytování v hodnotě 2,500,000 Kč a pokračujeme dál...
Nina byla tím nejbáječnějším člověkem na světě. Každý den konala dobro, každému naslouchala, pomáhala, každého podporovala a ve všech se snažila hledat jen to nejlepší. V tomto by jistě pokračovala dál – inspirovala by lidi kolem sebe a pomáhala by dělat ze světa lepší místo. Bohužel byla v pátek 6. listopadu připravena o život, a my tak přišli o její dobrosrdečnost a nesmírnou laskavost.
Once again, we delivered wonderful Indian lunches to people around the city. The Curry House restaurant which has been voted the Best place in Prague for Indian Food prepares the delicisious lunches. With new dishes on the menu and no delivery charges, life tastes good.
Dne 26. listopadu 2019 zasáhlo severozápadní Albánii zemětřesení o síle 6,4 Richterovy škály a bylo tak nejsilnější za poslední desítky let. Disater Aid Europe, project Rotary klubu Prague International, pořádá fundraisingovou akci na podporu postižených lokalit v Durres a Mamurass.
Another event to support SANANIM on their incredibly important mission. By selling and delivering mistletoe we fundraise funds for Sananim, one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the Czech Republic founded in 1990 that provides complex services in the area of prevention, treatment and re-socialization of non-alcoholic drug addictions. Besides direct services for clients, all facilities offer professional consultations and internships for experts and students.
The Sananim Gala Fundraising Dinner - the event has grown from year to year and has raised hundreds of thousands of crowns for this worthwhile cause.
Once again, we delivered wonderful Indian lunches to people around the city. The Curry House restaurant which has been voted the Best place in Prague for Indian Food prepares the delicisious lunches. With new dishes on the menu and no delivery charges, life tastes good.
The Rotary Dragon Boat Charity Challenge is fast becoming the premier charity event of a Prague Spring. It’s an event that combines Team-building, Corporate social responsibility, live entertainment and family fun in one great programme. The sight of teams of highly motivated paddlers going all out for the finish line makes an exciting spectacle that draws big crowds.
Gala dinner s fundraisingem na podporu organizace SANANIM.
We deliver wonderful Indian lunches to offices around the city.
For the third year running RCPI has been flipping burgers for charity at the Prague Burgerfest. The weather was great and the RCPI volunteers worked hard making and selling our very own Dragon Burgers with the secret chilli sauce provided by Mamun. One customer, who was a restaurant owner, was so impressed with our burger that he asked for the recipe. He could not get over the combination of low fat pork mixed with shredded apple plus a few other ingredients.
The Rotary Dragon Boat Charity Challenge is fast becoming the premier charity event of a Prague Spring. It’s an event that combines Team-building, Corporate social responsibility, live entertainment and family fun in one great programme. The sight of teams of highly motivated paddlers going all out for the finish line makes an exciting spectacle that draws big crowds.