RC Bratislava Danube - setkání

Chystaná setkání

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Proběhlá setkání

  • 9. 6. 2014, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Peter Novak: Peter Novak, who is the CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International had an interesting presentation on RBI, it’s leading role in CEE countries and particularly lean management. He joined RBI from Tatra Banka, where he implemented major changes in lean management, moved parts of the bank to Presov and increased productivity.

  • 2. 6. 2014, 18:30 - Pravidelné setkání


    Dr. Vesela, the presindet of Memory Foundation, focusing on Alzheimer disease, was presenting how the foundation works, disease diagnostics. She presented a revitalization project of their garden. Should we decide one day to support them, she would be really happy. Elvira said goodbye to us.

  • 12. 5. 2014, 18:30 - Pravidelné setkání


    Lotz Trion: Lotz Trio • Today we hosted “LotzTrio” playing instruments from the time of MOZART. • Basedhorn, as their initial name, is a clarinet, which is tuned deeper then normal clarinet from late 18th century. It is one of the Mozarts very popular musical instruments. • Lotz was instrument maker, from which comes the name LOTZ trio. Lotz together with Mozart (composer )and Stahler (clarinet player) created the best trio for new musical wave and creation. • LotzTrio’s goal is to continue with Bratislava Mozart festival to keep this instrument alive and offer a cultural experience to Mozart fans. Their aim is to orgainize it in better form as before – one of the main musical events in Slovakia. They would very appreciate help through fundraising. LotzTrio believe, Mozart music is popular even in these days as for the young so for the elderly too. • Currently are just few players who still keep playing this instruments around Europe. LotzTrio would like to invite just these to come to Mozart festival to play. • INSTRUMENT: - Due to intonation and the length of the instrument, Basedhorn is bended in half - Made of bugs tree and maple, why two because to enhance two shades of colors and create a design • Festivals: Mozart Requem : end of October beginning November, church, Mozart festival: time unknown yet, will be held in Župný dom (old parliament building) Other smaller concerts in Nedbalka or the like places It would be a good idea to consider inviting LotzTrio to our Old Timer Ralley. What do you think?

  • 5. 5. 2014, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Lubos Fellner: Lubos Fellner has come to present his fascinating journey through west Africa. He started in Guinea and followed the Niger river to Mali He visited a gold mine as well as a town built of mud. The plan was to go Timbuktu, but a recent war there it was very dangerous. In the end they did go to Timbuktu and survived the trip.

  • 28. 4. 2014, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Mag. Ulrich Paugger: Mr. Paugger heads the Slovak branch of the company Auditor. He is a tax advisor specializing in advising Czech, Slovak and Austrian companies. He talked about very interesting cases in cross border taxation and examples of effectiveness of the Austrian tax office.