RC Bratislava Danube - setkání

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  • 4. 11. 2013, 18:30 - 20:00 - Pravidelné setkání


    Mgr. Maros Macuha, PhD: Bratislavsky okraslovaci spolok Mr. Macuha explained how the original "Pressburger Verschoenerungsverein" was established in 1868 and the projects they realized back then, which inluded parks, statues, museums, etc. He also explained how the present association, which was founded i 2009 tries to reconnect to the tradition and the work they have done in the last couple years. In this short time they realize an impressive number of prejects like Bridge SNP gallery, cleaning up public spaces, planting flowrs, reconstructing historic buildings, purchase and recontruction of the Pressburger Bahn Engine, publication of books, etc. A long and intereseting time for Questions and Answers followed

  • 21. 10. 2013, 18:30 - Pravidelné setkání


    Maros Sagan, mayor of Cifer: Maros Sagan, presently mayor of Cifer talked about his experience becoming mayor. Prior to this he worked for Hollen, s.r.o., establishing their branch in Trnava. Simultaneously, he decide to run for a public office and entered local politics. He was elected mayor of Cifer in 2010. He feel that being mayor is much harder than doing business. In politics not always the best wins. There is a lot of psychological, political pressure as well curruption. The dimensions of curruption surprised him.