District 2240 Newsletter

Dear Readers,

We are delighted to bring you the holiday edition of our newsletter. As you enjoy the summer days, we hope you find our updates on the end of the previous Rotary year and the beginning of the new one engaging and informative. Inside, you'll discover invitations to upcoming events, important dates, and other valuable information.

On behalf of our editorial board, I wish you a pleasant reading experience.

IPDG Katarína Čechová
Editor-in-Chief of the D2240 Newsletter


Top news

Establishment of a new district in Europe

After several years of preparation, District 2485 was officially established, linking ALBANIA and KOSOVO, and the current interim Romanian DG was replaced by the newly elected DG 2024/2025, the enthusiastic and charismatic Butrint Batali. This event took place on the 3rd weekend of June in Tirana, the capital of Albania.

100th anniversary of the first Rotary Club in our district (part three)

Czechoslovak Rotary Clubs in the 1930´s

The Rotary clubs which formed the Czechoslovak district marked as no. 66 from 1927 maintained from the beginning strong links to foreign clubs, especially in Great Britain, USA, Canada and France. As new clubs were being created in neighbouring countries (1925 Vienna, 1926 Budapest, 1927 Hamburg, 1928 Beograd, 1929 Bucharest, 1931 Warsaw), cooperation broadened also in this direction. In 1929, when Austrian and German clubs merged into a common district no. 73, cooperation with them became systematic in the frame of the so-called “small committee”. The Rotary International Convention, which met in Vienna in 1931 and was strongly attended by Czechoslovak rotarians, was an opportunity for establishing further contacts. One of the working sessions met in Bratislava and a small group of attendees from overseas made a discovery trip to Prague.

Introducing the District Team

New Assistants of the District Governor in 2024-2025

Assistant of the District Governor for Southwestern Slovakia

Ladislav Veres

Rotary club Nové Zámky

New Assistants of the District Governor 2024-2025

Assistant of the District Governor for Eastern Slovakia

František Kornaj

Rotary klub Spišská Nová Ves

He has not provided his introduction to the newsletter.

New Assistants of the District Governor in 2024-2025

Assistant of the District Governor for South Bohemia

Jiří Karvánek

Rotary club Český Krumlov

New Assistants of the District Governor in 2024-2025

Assistant of the District Governor for Western Bohemia

Marek Tengler

Rotary Club Plzeň-Beseda

Did you know that...

The RI President has Slovak roots

Jakubova Voľa is located in the Šarišská Highlands in the valley of the Torysa River. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1315.

Why are we mentioning this village? Jakubova Voľa is the birthplace of the grandmother of our current Rotary International President, Stephanie Urchick.

The video "Story of Veronika Zilka from Jakubova Vola, Slovakia" was given to the President as a gift from the Slovak clubs on the occasion of her visit to the Slovak Republic. She agreed to publish it, so we are pleased to offer it for your viewing.

Club Updates

RC Levice - Jubilee show of musical talents of the Southern Pohronie region

The 10th jubilee edition of the show of young talents of the Southern Pohronie region, which since the inception of this unique event has been prepared by the Rotary Club of Levice in cooperation with the Levice Primary Art School (ZUŠ) of Pál Kadosu and under the patronage of the Mayor of Levice, was held on Friday, May 3, in the premises of the Levice Synagogue.

RC Valtice-Břeclav and RAC Brno: Another successful Handicamp behind us!

The 9th Handicamp took place at the Veronica Hostětín Centre from 29 June to 5 July 2024. 20 participants and assistants gathered in a picturesque village at the foot of the White Carpathians to spend a week full of care, kindness and unforgettable experiences. See how we enjoyed a beauty day, a Pokáč concert, golf and many other activities that blur the differences between assistants and clients and form friendships for life.

RC Liptovský Mikuláš - Proceeds from the concert "Helping Together" for the respite centre

RC Lipt. Mikuláš in cooperation with the Town of Liptov. Mikuláš and the Liptov Community Foundation helped the Spišská catholic charity to organize the third of a series of six benefit concerts organized in 2024 to support the construction of the first respite centre in Slovakia.

RC Opava - Magical Week at the Belária Resort Hotel

The Rotary Club Opava and the Club of Friends of the Disabled ELIŠKA joined forces and organized an unforgettable camp full of magic, music and shared enthusiasm in the Hotel Belária Resort in Hradec nad Moravicí. Thanks to the dedicated support of the Rotarians, 100 participants enjoyed a week full of joy and wonder.

International Friendship and Collaboration

RC Istanbul Competition – Essay on International Peace

The Rotary Club of Istanbul's Best Essay Competition celebrates the launch of the Rotary International Peace Centre in Istanbul. The competition aims to promote meaningful discussions and critical thinking among young people aged 16-18. It seeks to create a global platform for ideas and perspectives of international participants on the topic of international peace.

Peace is essential for the well-being of humanity, the preservation of our planet, and the advancement of civilization. We hope to inspire young people to think about this topic and promote understanding between cultures. 


The Autumn Grand Conference of the European Rotaract will take place in Luxembourg on 3–6 October 2024.

Invitation of RAC Pinzgau to the International Rotary Golf Championship of Austria

The Rotaract Club Pinzgau invites you to the International Rotary Golf Championship from September 12-14, 2024 at the GC Zell am See - Kaprun - Saalbach.

All details and registration forums can be found HERE


Sellina Kollmaier racpinzgau@rotaract.at  +43 664 1749622

Invitation to the International Rotary Chess Tournament and Chess Olympiad in Budapest

Dear Rotarian Fellows all over the world,

Warm greetings from the Rotary Club Budapest-Akadémia! We are thrilled to announce a unique and exciting gathering in the heart of Europe: the International Rotary Chess Tournament, scheduled from September 19 to 22, 2024, in Budapest, Hungary, alongside the closing days of the 45th Chess Olympiad organised in Budapest.

This special event is not just a tournament but a celebration of fellowship, intellect, and cultural richness. We invite you to join us in this grand meeting of minds, where you can compete in chess, witness the Olympiad's final rounds, and enjoy the historical and cultural splendors of Budapest.

Invitation to a golf tournament in Spain

We invite you to an international golf tournament that helps.

Date: October 18-19, 2024

Location: Rioja, Spain

Registration:                                                                                                              https://www.rotaryclubhorizon.org/es/xxiv-campeonato-de-espana-golf-rotary                                                    Antonio López                                                                                                                                                                607087650                                                                                                                                                                  Eventos Rotary Club Horizon


Marie Jehličková

Important Information and Dates

Data update

We remind you of the necessity to ensure:

  1. Up-to-date and complete data on District 2240, its functionaries/officers, and all of its organs and "organizational components" (committees, interest groups/fellowships, councils, etc.)
  2. Current and complete data on Rotary Clubs and Rotaract Clubs of the District
  3. Current and complete data on all current members of Rotary Clubs and Rotaract Clubs

RYE Czechia schedule of events

20-22/9/2024 Orientation Meeting I. for inbounds Kroměříž
21.09.2024 YEO Work Meeting Kroměříž
11-13/10/2024 Rebound Meeting Křižanov
03.11.2024 Orientation Meeting I. for outbounds and their parents Třebíč
22-24/11/2024 Orientation Meeting II. for outbounds Kroměříž
6-8/12/2024 Christmas Prague for inbounds Czechia + Slovakia Praha

ROTARY GOOD NEWS - Submission Deadline: August 31, 2024

The deadline for submissions for Rotary Good News 5/2024 is August 31, 2024.

RGN 5/2024 will be published on October 13, 2024.

Editor-in-Chief: František Ryneš, frantisek.rynes@rotary2240.org


District Conference 16-17/5/2025, Ostrava

Club Invitations

Gourmet Fellowship’s Invitation to the Pakistani Dinner

17th September 2024, Prague

Dear Rotarians, members of the Gourmet Fellowship,

The Telč Prague Golf/NGW Satellite RC kindly invites you to a Pakistani Gourmet Dinner featuring a talk by our member, Ahsan Aslam, President of the Czech-Pakistan Chamber of Commerce. He will discuss current life in Pakistan, its history, and current economic development.

Ahsan came to the Czech Republic 20 years ago and has been very active in fostering trade, diplomatic, and tourist relations between the two countries. His knowledge of the region’s history is phenomenal and he is also a wonderful storyteller.

Day: 17th September 2024, Tuesday at 6 p.m. / 6 – 6:30 p.m. aperitif, 6:30 p.m – dinner

Location: Mailsi Pakistani Restaurant, Lipanská 1, PRAGUE 3

Cyklotour 2024 - III. final stage

4 – 6th October 2024, Znojmo

We hereby invite all sports enthusiasts, recreational cyclists and Rotarians who are new to sport to the final stage of Cyklotour 2024.

Cyklotour is organized for the first year in cooperation with the clubs Valtice-Břeclav and Hradec Králové. The final cycling weekend will take place in Znojmo, on 4 – 6th October 2024.

SAVE THE DATE 20.8.2024

Traditionally, you can look forward to Golf &  Gourmet in Terezín on 20 August 2024.

RC Most

Invitation to the Benefit Concert for Ukraine

26th September 2024, Bratislava

The HOLLEN Foundation and the Rotary Club Bratislava Danube are organising an exciting benefit concert, with proceeds going towards humanitarian aid for Ukraine.

The concert will feature the world-famous violinist Peter Michalica from the Rotary Club of Bratislava, the young talented Ukrainian pianist Mykola Myroshnychenko, and the excellent soloist of the Slovak National Theatre, Andrea Vizvári, who will accompany them on vocals.

The concert will take place on 26th September 2024 at the Arkady Hof Hotel Stupava (www.arkadyhof.sk) near Bratislava.

Proceeds from the benefit concert will be donated to the Rotary Club of Kyiv-Sophia, for the purpose of building a Therapy Garden in Kyiv. Therapy Garden is a large international project to convert an old clinic in Kiev into a modern clinic, which will contribute to the rehabilitation of psychologically war-traumatized people, especially soldiers returning from the front lines.


Dear Rotarians,

RC Košice Classic would like to invite you to a Charity Concert and Banquet, which will take place on 3rd October 2024 at 6.00 p.m. at the GES Club, Košice.


We look forward to seeing you there.


Denisa Hudáková

President of RC Košice Classic

SAVE THE DATE 9.11.2024

RCPI Charity gala evening "Mammoth Hunt" in favor of organization MODRÝ KLÍČ, o.p.s.

When: Saturday, 9 November 2024

Where: NH Collection Prague CARLO IV, Senovážné náměstí 13, Praha 1 


Invites you                                                         

Rotary Club of Prague Interntional


Queries and Suggestions

Your suggestions and feedback are welcomed and will assist us in enhancing our newsletter. Please send them to us at news@rotary2240.org.