District 2240 Newsletter

Invitation to the Benefit Concert for Ukraine

26th September 2024, Bratislava

The HOLLEN Foundation and the Rotary Club Bratislava Danube are organising an exciting benefit concert, with proceeds going towards humanitarian aid for Ukraine.

The concert will feature the world-famous violinist Peter Michalica from the Rotary Club of Bratislava, the young talented Ukrainian pianist Mykola Myroshnychenko, and the excellent soloist of the Slovak National Theatre, Andrea Vizvári, who will accompany them on vocals.

The concert will take place on 26th September 2024 at the Arkady Hof Hotel Stupava (www.arkadyhof.sk) near Bratislava.

Proceeds from the benefit concert will be donated to the Rotary Club of Kyiv-Sophia, for the purpose of building a Therapy Garden in Kyiv. Therapy Garden is a large international project to convert an old clinic in Kiev into a modern clinic, which will contribute to the rehabilitation of psychologically war-traumatized people, especially soldiers returning from the front lines.

The ticket price/person is EUR 100, and it includes, besides the concert, a welcome drink, and a buffet after the concert, as well as a donation to this humanitarian project.

Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a pleasant artistic experience while supporting Ukraine in a humanitarian way and a young talented and surely future world-famous Ukrainian artist.

Please let us know by 31st July 2024 via email: ivana.burgetova@hollen.sk, how many tickets you are interested in.

Please forward this information to anyone you think might be able to attend this special concert.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.

Sincerely                                                                                      Tomáš Osuský