District 2240 Newsletter

New Assistants of the District Governor in 2024-2025

Assistant of the District Governor for Southwestern Slovakia

Ladislav Veres

Rotary club Nové Zámky

My name is Ladislav Veres, I was born in 1971 in Nové Zámky, where I have been a resident ever since.

I graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava and during my career, I supplemented my education with an MBA diploma from Nottingham Trent University.

Professionally, I started my career as a financial manager in the paper industry, specifically in paper recycling. Throughout my career, I have held management positions in a number of multinational companies operating in the paper recycling business. Since last October, I have been working for Natur-pack a.s.

Since 2013, I have been a member of the Rotary Club of Nové Zámky, as I felt the need to help those in need with my skills and abilities. In Rotary, I have met countless interesting people who also follow the same philosophy.

I was President of our club in the 2016/17 and 2022/23 Rotary years and was Club Secretary one year prior to both of my presidencies.

The Rotary Club of Nové Zámky currently has 11 members. During the COVID period, the number of members decreased and the club's activities were significantly reduced.  However, we are now returning to the activities that were the mainstay of our club - youth exchange, lectures and discussions with prominent personalities from various fields, organization of fundraising events (bowling tournament, Rotary shooter, golf tournament, fishing competition). The main beneficiary of these events is the Regional Social and Educational Centre in Nové Zámky, which takes care of mentally handicapped children, especially those of school age.  We also provided the purchase of reflective vests for kindergartens.

We are currently considering a larger project, such as was the construction of a Street Workout Park in the past or the planting of trees in a city park.

In my spare time, I enjoy golfing and traveling. I like to learn about the history, culture, and life in other cities and countries. I have travelled almost all over Europe and I have also visited New York. 

I have a 14-year-old daughter, Tereza, who is a competitive ballroom dancer.

Laci Veres

RC Nové Zámky