District 2240 Newsletter

Data update

We remind you of the necessity to ensure:

  1. Up-to-date and complete data on District 2240, its functionaries/officers, and all of its organs and "organizational components" (committees, interest groups/fellowships, councils, etc.)
  2. Current and complete data on Rotary Clubs and Rotaract Clubs of the District
  3. Current and complete data on all current members of Rotary Clubs and Rotaract Clubs


  1. Data on the District

This area is the responsibility of the District Secretary, with whom the chairmen of the various components of the District (chairmen of committees, interest groups, councils, etc.) must work closely.

  1. Data on Clubs

This area is the responsibility of the club presidents, working closely with the club secretaries or executive secretaries, or with those club members who have administrative authority to edit club data on the District 2240 website - https://www.rotary2240.org/cs/. Responsibility for the initial checking of the data rests with the Assistant District Governors (ADGs), who are also prepared to methodically assist their entrusted clubs. The common deadline for all actions (2.1 to 2.4) was 20/7/2024.

The following tasks are associated with updating the data on the clubs:

2.1 Update the date, time and location of regular club meetings.

2.2 Check the membership database to ensure that all past presidents have the position of club president in the relevant Rotary year listed among their other titles.

2.3 Check that all club members have Rotary awards correctly listed in the membership database. Report any discrepancies to the District Secretary.

2.4 Check that the listed bank account numbers are correct. If the club has more than one account (e.g. current, youth, project), provide the number of each account. For clubs in the Czech Republic, give the number in both traditional and IBAN formats. (In the Slovak Republic, only IBAN format is used.)

  1. Data on Club Members

Members themselves are primarily responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their membership data in the membership database (for honorary members, this responsibility is delegated to the appropriate club officer with administrative privileges). Members may be assisted by designated club officers. Club presidents should ensure these tasks are completed.

The following tasks are associated with updating membership data. The common deadline for the steps below (except 3.3) was 20/7/2024.

3.1 List the position of each club officer for the current Rotary year 2024-2025, and at a minimum, the position of club president for the next Rotary year 2025-2026.

3.2 (The Club President for the 2026-2027 year will need to be elected no later than 31/12/2024 so that we do not face the same issue next year.)

3.3 The Club President's photo should be added to the Club President's membership data (directly to their personal profile). It should be a professional photograph - a portrait, of good resolution, not a close-up of a group photo or holiday shot. The maximum picture size is 3 MB (if it is in higher resolution, you need to change/reduce it).

3.4 Export the membership data and have all club members review or update it.

3.5 Update members' personal data, fill in any missing information.


Ladislav Gáll, DS D 2240 for the period 2024/25,                  email dated 3/7/2024