District 2240 Newsletter

RC Istanbul Competition – Essay on International Peace

The Rotary Club of Istanbul's Best Essay Competition celebrates the launch of the Rotary International Peace Centre in Istanbul. The competition aims to promote meaningful discussions and critical thinking among young people aged 16-18. It seeks to create a global platform for ideas and perspectives of international participants on the topic of international peace.

Peace is essential for the well-being of humanity, the preservation of our planet, and the advancement of civilization. We hope to inspire young people to think about this topic and promote understanding between cultures. 


Originality: We value fresh insights and creative thinking. We encourage participants to express their unique perspective on achieving peace in a complex and diverse global environment.

Inclusiveness: The competition is open to all eligible persons regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or background. We believe that diverse voices contribute to richer dialogue.

Expert judging: Our renowned panel of international relations experts will judge rigorously and fairly. The composition of the panel will be determined by the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club Istanbul and Rotary Peace Centre Istanbul.

Youth Empowerment: By engaging young writers, we will empower them to become advocates for peace. Their words have the potential to shape policy, influence thinking, and instigate positive change.



Deadline: 31st October 2024

Announcement of winners: November 2024

Awards will be presented by Stephanie Urchick, president of RI, at the Presidential Peace Conference in Istanbul on 23rd February 2025.



1st place: Monetary prize + weekend stay in Istanbul at the residence of a selected Rotarian (airfare paid by the club)

2nd place: 2,000 USD

3rd place: 1,000 USD


Essay requirements:

Maximum 400 words (email address and essay title are not included).

Essays must be submitted in PDF format with double spacing.

Essays must be original and unpublished.

The essay must not contain hate speech, racial, or sexual discrimination. Such essays will be disqualified.

External content should be properly cited.

Compliance with GDPR is essential.

Submit your essay by 31st October 2024 to: PeaceEssay@istanbulrotary.org.

If you have any questions, please contact PeaceEssay@istanbulrotary.org.